
Take Control of Your Data Privacy.

Like you, we want to protect our personal data and control who can use our data. Don’t let big tech control you. 

Take control of your personal data privacy with Ctrl.ly

I choose to take back ctrl of my data from #bigtech with @Ctrl_ly and encourage you to do the same!Help others ctrl their data privacy!

Control who sees your data.

Ctrl.ly wants to help you take back control of your data by choosing which apps, websites and companies can track and target ads to you, and more importantly who cannot.

  • 100% Free
  • 100% Anonymous
  • 100% Private
  • We are people just like you! 
  • We Will NEVER Sell Your Data. 
  • We are here to help.

Increase Revenue, Be Privacy Compliant.

Advertise with consent.

Get notified as we work to help you take back control of your online data.

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